Byodinamic Farm
Biodynamic agriculture
This is a method of agricultural production created by Rudolf Steiner, the founder ofanthroposophy, the science which forms the basis for the Biodynamic method of agriculture.
The earth with its minerals, plants and animals is seen as a single large organism which man is responsible for. Since the biodynamic method understands the laws of nature, it follows a type of agriculture capable of respecting and promoting the life of this great organism.
Biodynamic agriculture is based on the use of biodynamic additives of purely natural origin. No pesticides or synthetic chemical fertilizers are employed, thus guaranteeing product quality.
At the basis of this qualitative result is the use of biodynamic prepa- rations that, as the name indicates, use active agents of natural origin prepared according to the techniques of this method by the farmer himsehf by composting soil and plant materials; these serve as catalysts for dynamic biological processes. Hence the name Biodynamic Agriculture.
The trademark "DEMETER" on the labels of fresh and preserved products is a guarantee to the consumer of this unique Biodynamic quality.